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  • Duis non justo nec auge

    Sed dignissim mauris nec velit ultrices id euismod orci iaculis. Aliquam ut justo id massa consectetur pellentesque pharetra ullamcorper nisl...

  • Vicaris Vacanti Vestibulum

    Sed dignissim mauris nec velit ultrices id euismod orci iaculis. Aliquam ut justo id massa consectetur pellentesque pharetra ullamcorper nisl...

Friday, September 19, 2014

Google approves the use of Google Glass in Canada


Google approves the use of Google Glass in Canada

Glass Canada

Good news for any Canucks who’ve been waiting for Google Glass. It appears Google has quietly approved the use of Glass in Canada. This news comes from Explorer Brian Buquoi who received a replacement Glass with an interesting card. The card has official regulatory information for Google Glass in Canada.


As you can see on the card, Google Glass has been approved by Industry Canada. This is a big step in the process of getting Glass to Canada. Originally Glass was only available in the US, but slowly they been releasing it to more countries, like the UK. Hopefully we’ll hear official work soon. Do we have any Canadians ready to buy Google Glass?

[via GoogleGlass Fans]

From the Forums: Show us your Moto 360, Scottish independence, and more


Will you give up you Android device in favor of a new iPhone? Will Scotland vote for independence? How’s your Moto 360 style? All these questions and more answered in this week’s edition of From the Forums.

Register for an account at Android Forums

Show us your Moto 360

Moto 360 DSC06981

It’s hard to argue that the Moto 360 is anything other than one damn good looking smartwatch. Even better, users can mix and match just about any regular watchband with a selection of digital watch faces to create a truly unique look. The Moto 360 fans at Android Forums have even started a thread dedicated to showing off their style. Those still waiting for a backordered 360 be warned: envy awaits.

Is the iPhone 6 Plus tempting Note 4 buyers?


Apple is anticipating plenty of Android owners will be keen to jump ship for their iPhone 6 Plus, but has the Galaxy Note contingent been swayed? With Galaxy Note 4 (not so coincidentally) available for pre-order today — the same day as Apple’s new iPhone launch — the question is even more pertinent.

External storage and Android L


Google has been known to change the way its Android OS manages external data stored on a MicroSD card, so its reasonable to wonder if things will once again change with the impending launch of Android L. Will Google loosen the access restrictions that irked off so many users in the upgrade to KitKat?

Scotland votes against independence


While folks all over line up for hours to fight over scarce iPhone stock, the real world keeps moving. While many will note today as the day Apple’s latest mobile device launched, the folks in Scotland will remember it as the day they voted against independence from the United Kingdom. Much talk led up the decision, which saw record turnout from voters. While it seemed the country was poised to separate, it will remain tied to its southern neighbor.

And more…

What else will you find waiting for you at Android Forums? Head on over, sign up for an account, and find out. Perhaps you’ll make it to the hallowed grounds known as From the Forums next week!

This hack allows you to run any Android app on Chromebooks


Last week Google opened the door for Android apps on Chrome OS. The first four apps arrived: Duolingo, Evernote, Vine, and Sight Words. Google promises that more apps will be on the way in the coming months, but until then we asked what apps you’d like to see. But why be limited to the apps Google chooses? Why not use all Android apps? That’s exactly what a new hack allows users to do.

By using a small JavaScript you can side-load any Android app onto a Chromebook. The apps run under the Android App Runtime, which is the same exact way as the “official” apps. This script is not for the faint of heart, but can be done if you know your way around some code. The creator of this hack has provided a guide for anyone who wants to try it, but he says it’s more of a “proof-of-concept.” Hit the link below the video if you’re eager to use Android apps on your Chromebook.

Android Apps on Chromebooks Guide


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