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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Adam Levine wants to burn an iPhone [VIDEO]


Adam Levine wants to burn an iPhone [VIDEO]

While Samsung was unveiling the Galaxy Note 4, Note Edge, and Gear VR in Berlin they were holding another event in New York. At this event they talked more about their exclusive services. Samsung invited Maroon 5′s Adam Levine and James Valentine on stage to talk about Milk Music’s “Artist Den” curation service, but that’s not what got the crowd laughing.

Adam Levine was “super fired up” about their partnership with Samsung. To show his solidarity he invited everyone to a “ceremonial iPhone burning” after the event. Samsung is starting to break into celebrity culture almost as much as the iPhone. Many people idolize celebrities, and if Maroon 5 uses Samsung device it will surely convince some of their fans to jump on the wagon.

Just don’t let us catch you using an iPhone, Adam.

Levine iPhone


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