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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Dead Trigger 2 for Android release date is October 23rd — watch this gory launch trailer


Dead Trigger 2 for Android release date is October 23rd — watch this gory launch trailer

The sequel to one of the most graphically rich zombie games for mobile is almost upon us, and we finally have a release date to look forward to. I’m talking about Dead Trigger 2, the zombie mayhem first person shooter from Madfinger Games that has us all extra prepared for any real-life zombie apocalypse that might occur (oh, it’s going to happen, folks).

The game is launching October 23rd, which ironically is just in time for Halloween. The original Dead Trigger took a more traditional story approach when it comes to zombie shooters — brain-obsessed undead look to munch on you for no good reason, and you are doing everything you can to stop the growing threat.

The sequel is more or less the same, except it’s shaking things up a tad as it is poised to take place in “real-time.” We weren’t sure what that meant at first, but Madfinger used this week’s ongoing Tokyo Games Show as an opportunity to reveal more:

With each following update, the action will shift to varying locations and continents with the concrete development influenced directly by the participation of players. The action will be global, players will fight against local zombies in Shanghai, London or in the middle of the desert far away in Africa.

With that, Madfinger also dropped a new video on us. It’s the first minute of the game’s opening sequence, which we’d say is deserving of some peeled eyes. Catch your glimpse above, and be sure to circle October 23rd on your calendar if you’re itching for some more zombie genocidal action on your mobile device.

Humble Bundle for Android beta app arrives in the Google Play Store

humble bundle android app

Our charitable friends over at Humble Bundle have released an Android app for those who like to get games on the cheap and support developers and good causes in the process. The app is in beta, but it will currently allow you to easily download and install all your purchased games from within. The app will also alert you on any upcoming Humble Bundle sales that take place in the future.

If you’re not in the know, the Humble Bundle “bundles” together anywhere from 5-7 games for however much you feel like paying, some of which can be had on both Android and PC. You can split your payment up however you like between the developers, a couple of different charities, and giving a cut to the folks at Humble Bundle who helped make this happen.

Extra games are often accessible by paying more than the average, which can fluctuate over the course of the sale. Games are also often bundled with their respective soundtracks, so you can jig out to tunes whenever you don’t have time to play.

It’s a good cause, and having an Android app makes it that much more easy to get involved and get a lot of great games for some great prices. The download is sitting in the Google Play Store for free, but remember that this is a beta — some screws might get loose from time to time, and it’s best to send a report of what happened over to the developers if they do.


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