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Monday, March 31, 2014

T-Mobile is killing off employer discounts starting tomorrow


T-Mobile is killing off employer discounts starting tomorrow

John Legere

In what couldn’t possibly be any worse timing, T-Mobile has announced that — starting tomorrow, April 1st — the nation’s 4th largest network will effectively end all employer discounts. And no, this isn’t a joke.

This means that anyone who was enjoying discounted service rates through their employer will soon be greeted with a higher monthly bill. As a sort of consolation prize, T-Mobile says that they’ll be giving a $25 T-Mobile gift card for every new employee device purchase which isn’t much, but at least it’s something.

The logic, T-Mobile says, behind the move is that those old employers discount programs were designed to help big carriers close corporate contracts while using employees as their “bargaining chips.” T-Mobile doesn’t play that way. And while Legere would have you believe this is yet another phase in their Uncarrier movement, we’d be willing to bet it has more to do with Magenta’s overalls earnings slipping during Q4 of last year.

Anyone out there soon to be affected by this new move?

[T-Mobile | Photo: Geekwire]


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