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  • Vicaris Vacanti Vestibulum

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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Secure your internet connection with PureVPN for $89

How secure is your internet connection? When you're traveling or using a public network, can you guarantee that your private information will be safe from hackers and other sketchy types? Most of us jump onto public networks and never stop to think about the access we might be granting to total strangers. That includes not only your passwords but your messages and photos, too. Add to that the fact that, depending on where you're traveling, public networks may not even allow you full access to the internet you're used to; blocking certain sites isn't uncommon. How are you supposed to keep up and stay safe when you're traveling, or even just out and about in your own city, when you're spending all of your time worrying and getting frustrated?

Get a lifetime subscription to PureVPN for just $89! Learn more

What you need is a VPN, or Virtual Private Network. It allows you to become the authorized user of a network that is encrypted, meaning your data remains safer than if you just use a regular public Wi-Fi network. PureVPN is a trusted provider, with well over one million users worldwide, giving you a secure network connection even when your only choice is a public network.

You can get a lifetime subscription to PureVPN through Android Central Digital Offers for just $89, which is 85% off the original price of $597! PureVPN is supported by over 500 servers in 141 countries, so whether you're overseas on business or just down the street from your place, you'll have a secure internet connection and access to everything you need. Your subscription:

  • Keeps your web history completely out of view of potential hackers, protecting your passwords and usernames from becoming public information
  • Is ideal for travel in places where you may find sites have been blocked for some reason; you can now work around those blocks and get access to the sites you need
  • Is compatible with nearly any Smart device you may use at home or when you're away. The subscription also includes five multi logins so that you can access a server from multiple devices at once
  • Includes unlimited data transfer so you can download, browse, stream, and share as much as you like
  • Prevents unauthorized access to your messages, photos, videos, and more

Get a lifetime subscription to PureVPN for just $89! Learn more

Lifetime subscriptions to anything are expensive, but right now you can get one for PureVPN for 85% off and never have to worry about secure networks or internet roadblocks again. Get yours now!

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