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  • Duis non justo nec auge

    Sed dignissim mauris nec velit ultrices id euismod orci iaculis. Aliquam ut justo id massa consectetur pellentesque pharetra ullamcorper nisl...

  • Vicaris Vacanti Vestibulum

    Sed dignissim mauris nec velit ultrices id euismod orci iaculis. Aliquam ut justo id massa consectetur pellentesque pharetra ullamcorper nisl...

Saturday, July 12, 2014

How are you liking your Android Wear watch so far? [POLL]


How are you liking your Android Wear watch so far? [POLL]


LG G Watch Android Wear DSC06106

Earlier this week patient Android fans were greeted with shiny new smartwatches. The LG G Watch and Samsung Gear Live, which went on sale back at Google I/O, finally arrived on door steps. All week we’ve been seeing new apps, tips, and discoveries from the vibrant group of Android Wear early adopters. If you’re a member of that group we want to know how you’re liking everything so far.

While many of us wait for the Moto 360 we have to live vicariously through those of you who already have an Android Wear device. We have so many questions for you! Are you happy with your purchase? Do you find yourself pulling out your phone less? How is battery life? What apps are you using? Has anyone asked you about your watch? What is your favorite thing about Android Wear?

If you don’t feel like answering all of those questions we have an easier poll for you below. Submit your response and tell us a little about your experience so far. Hopefully we can get a good discussion going and maybe share some tips and tricks. If you’re interested in talking to fellow users be sure to check out the G Watch and Gear Live forums.


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