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    Sed dignissim mauris nec velit ultrices id euismod orci iaculis. Aliquam ut justo id massa consectetur pellentesque pharetra ullamcorper nisl...

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

OnePlus ‘Storm of Invites’ promo will have you jumping through a few hoops for a chance at buying the phone


OnePlus ‘Storm of Invites’ promo will have you jumping through a few hoops for a chance at buying the phone

OnePlus One storm of invites promotion

If you’re still itching for a chance to pick up the OnePlus One, you — and about 2,500 others — now have your best chance yet. The startup announced an all new promotion via their Google+ page that, according to them, will rain a storm of invites upon lucky fans. Of course like most things OnePlus…. there’s a catch.

OnePlus One 64GB Sandstone Black

Really it’s not much. All you have to do is plug the company across a variety of social networks for a chance at winning one of the 2,500 invites being given out for the 64GB “Sandstone black” model. To make things interesting, 1 lucky participant will win a free OnePlus One 64GB completely free of charge. Here are a few of the “hoops” you’ll need to jump through (each one is worth 1 entry), but it’s up to you to decide if they’re worth it for an invite:

  • Like OnePlus on Facebook

  • Join the OnePlus mailing list

  • Tweet about the “giveaway” on Twitter

  • Follow OnePlus on Instagram

  • Write a message on the OnePlus forums

With already 126,000+ entries, your chances of winning an invite aren’t exactly in your favor. Here’s to hoping they’ll soon open the flood gates and finally give everyone who wants to purchase the Cyanogen phone a chance at owning one before things turn sour.

[OnePlus Storm of Invites promotion]


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