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  • Duis non justo nec auge

    Sed dignissim mauris nec velit ultrices id euismod orci iaculis. Aliquam ut justo id massa consectetur pellentesque pharetra ullamcorper nisl...

  • Vicaris Vacanti Vestibulum

    Sed dignissim mauris nec velit ultrices id euismod orci iaculis. Aliquam ut justo id massa consectetur pellentesque pharetra ullamcorper nisl...

Monday, June 9, 2014

64GB Moto X now available in the US through Motomaker


64GB Moto X now available in the US through Motomaker

64gb moto x

Storage misers rejoice, the 64GB version of the Moto X is finally available in the United States through the Motomaker website. Previously you could only get 16GB and 32GB models of the device. Since the Moto X doesn’t have a SD card slot like the Moto G and E, the extra storage options are very important. Hopefully the Moto X+1 comes in the same three sizes.

The 64GB version of the Moto X is available for $449.99. For $100 more than the 16GB version you get four times the storage capacity. Everything else about the phone is exactly the same. With so many great cloud storage services available the need for a lot of storage on phones has decreased. Still, some people prefer to do things the old-fashioned way. It’s cheaper, doesn’t require an internet connection, and just plain works. Head on over to Motomaker right now to pick up this beefy phone.

Is anyone planning on buying this storage-rich device? Do you need 64GB of storage with your phone?

You can now send a text message with a hoodie


Wearables are all the rage these days. It seems that every company is working on something to slap on your wrist or head. Smartwatches and Google Glass don’t even scratch the surface of what a “wearable” can do. Clothing is another industry that is being infused with technology. The latest creation allows you to text your mom with a your comfy hoodie.

New York University grad students have integrated a cellular-equiped Arduino board and switches into a hooded sweatshirt. Why? So you can send text messages through discreet movements of your body. For example, you can cover your head to text your mom, or roll up your sleeve to post on Facebook. This could come in handy in dangerous situation where you need to request help, but don’t want to draw attention.

Would you be interested in clothing that allows you to send messages through body movement? Do you want technology in your clothing at all? Check out the video below to see the smart hoodie in action.

[via Engadget]

Despite power-hungry specs, LG G3 still top in battery life

LG G3 IMG_5371

One of the best and most overlooked specs of the LG G2 was its incredible battery life. When the LG G3 was announced with monster specs some people were worried that battery life would suffer. Thankfully, it looks like LG has managed to maintain great battery life in the G3, despite the power-hungry specs.

In PhoneArena’s battery life tests the LG G3 came out on top of other flagship Android devices. The G3 lasted 8 hours and 50 minutes while withstanding a test that is meant to replicate “typical real-life usage.” The Samsung Galaxy S5 lasted 8 hours and 20 minutes in the same test, followed by the Sony Xperia Z2 at 8 hours 10 minutes, and the HTC One M8 at 7 hours 12 minutes. How has LG managed to get such good battery life out of this beast?


In testing the G3 the publication mentions that the optimizations LG claimed to make during the announcement event are working as described. If battery life is your #1 concern it looks like the G3 has won this round of flagship devices. Samsung and HTC have also scored “Excellent” in the tests, but if you’re looking for a little extra boost the LG G3 is your phone.


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