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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Sorry, Google Fiber wont be coming to New York anytime soon


Sorry, Google Fiber wont be coming to New York anytime soon


Earlier today, folks living near the Big Apple were excited at the prospect that they could soon become Google Fiber’s newest test market. This was after a Google Fiber job posting was discovered in New York, suggesting the high-speed internet service would soon find a new home. But, in a statement to Ars Technica, a Google spokesperson is here to quickly shoot down your hopes of buffer-free 4K video streaming.

“Don’t read into the job listing. We’ve had a full team of folks working on Fiber in the New York office (and other locations around the world) for years. We don’t currently have any plans to bring Google Fiber to New York. We’re entirely focused on building out our networks in Kansas City, Austin, and Provo, and on exploring the possibility of bringing Fiber to the 34 locations we announced in February.”

Google is a very large company, with many branches throughout the US (and the world). While they don’t currently have plans to bring Fiber to New York, the good news is that they are hiring, and Google Fiber is, in fact, growing. I’m sure we’ll all see Google Fiber come to our areas at some point in our lifetimes. Dream on, Phandroids.


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