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Monday, April 14, 2014

Samsung Galaxy S5 sales already said to be in the “millions” range


Samsung Galaxy S5 sales already said to be in the “millions” range


Samsung will have plenty to celebrate this week after another successful launch of a flagship. According to ZDNet Korea, the company has already surpassed 1 million in sales, and the train doesn’t appear to be slowing down.

Demand is reportedly outpacing supply in many European countries, with some customers having to be turned away at certain stores and carriers.

The Galaxy S5 is said to be selling between 30% and 100% better than the Samsung Galaxy S4 did in the same time, lending credence to the belief that the Galaxy S5 was a more exciting jump over its predecessor than the Galaxy S4 was. It’s also possible that this feat was bolstered thanks to a simultaneous global launch as opposed to the staggered launch we’ve become used to. Either way, it’s good news for Samsung.

It’s especially good news considering the stiff competition Samsung has had to deal with this go-round. It’s not often your launch of a flagship device is met with the launch of a legit competitor’s flagship at nearly the exact same time, so to be able to pull these sales numbers without much of an issue makes it all the more impressive.

Of course, it’ll take a lot more than that to get the Galaxy S5 admitted into the illustrious 10 million club, but we have a feeling Samsung won’t have a problem achieving that. Were you one of the millions of souls who helped contribute to this sales feat? Let us know in the comments!


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