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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Sprint to introduce ‘aggressive’ pricing plans next week as new CEO attempts to shake up the industry


Sprint to introduce ‘aggressive’ pricing plans next week as new CEO attempts to shake up the industry


Ask just about anyone and it’s clear the wireless industry could use a little more shaking up. While we applaud the strides T-Mobile has made in recent months, it’s time for the nation’s other major wireless providers to take the initiative instead of simply following T-Mobile’s lead. No doubt feeling the heat of T-Mobile’s explosive customer growth, Sprint could be finally ready to make some big moves of their own.

During a company “town hall meeting,” newly appointed CEO Marcelo Claure mentioned his plan to introduce a “disruptive” new wireless plan next week. Of course, that might not sound too enticing especially if you (or someone close to you) has ever had to endure Sprint’s painfully slow network. Claure knows this, acknowledging that Sprint’s network has “fallen behind” when compared to rival networks. This is the reason he feels they first need to compete with aggressive pricing if any work is to be done overhauling their network, (unlike previous CEO Dan Hesse who saw it the other way around).

With T-Mobile closing in quick on Sprint’s #3 spot, they better do something fast. Hopefully the new change in management will be exactly what the doctor ordered.



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