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  • Blockquote

    Sed dignissim mauris nec velit ultrices id euismod orci iaculis. Aliquam ut justo id massa consectetur pellentesque pharetra ullamcorper nisl...

  • Duis non justo nec auge

    Sed dignissim mauris nec velit ultrices id euismod orci iaculis. Aliquam ut justo id massa consectetur pellentesque pharetra ullamcorper nisl...

  • Vicaris Vacanti Vestibulum

    Sed dignissim mauris nec velit ultrices id euismod orci iaculis. Aliquam ut justo id massa consectetur pellentesque pharetra ullamcorper nisl...

Friday, August 8, 2014

‘Freaking Math’ is a game that’s so easy it will drive you insane


‘Freaking Math’ is a game that’s so easy it will drive you insane

Some games are hard. Some games are easy. Freaking Math is a rare game that somehow can be easy and hard at the same time. The premise is so game is so simple it can be described in one sentence. You have 2 seconds to choose if a math equation is right or wrong. That’s it. The equation is always simple addition, and the goal is to get as many correct in a row as you can.

The key ingredient t0 what makes this game so addictive and fun is the 2 seconds you get to answer. It’s barely enough time to read the equation, let alone decide if it’s right or wrong. Your brain and fingers can barely keep up with each other. I can guarantee you will get some very easy equations wrong. Once you hear the buzzer that signifies an incorrect answer you will let out a scream and pound the button you should have pressed. Don’t feel embarrassed. I once thought 1+1=3 was correct. It will happen to you, too.

freaking math

The design of the game matches the simplicity of the gameplay. It’s all very cartoony and easy to read. The buttons are large so you can’t miss them. A satisfying “bloop” sound can be heard every time you choose correctly. Freaking Math is a great game to hand off to your friends and see who can get the highest score. The game is free to download, but there are banner ads and the occasional pop-up. It’s a lot of fun, and you might even get better at math in the process.


From the Forums: The importance of call quality, Android stalker, and more


Call quality, grammar, stalkers — what do these three things have in common? They all are at the center of discussion this week over at Android Forums. We’re ticking those topics off our list and more in this latest edition of From the Forums. Let’s get this started.

Doesn’t call quality still matter?


This one comes to us by way of the LG G3 forums, asking a question that (somewhat ironically) is all too often missing from the discussion when searching for a new phone: what about the call quality? Yes, smartphones are capable of many things, but they are still phones, after all. While the specific question here concerns the potential inadequacies of the G3’s ability to handle voice calls, a phone that without doubt excels in almost any other area of comparison, it raises the bigger question. So, does call quality still matter?

Grammar versus the convenience of autocorrect


We’ve all yucked it up over autocorrect fails in the past. These innocent mistakes are an embarrassment if they happen to you but fodder for laughs when they come at the expense of others. But what about those times when autocorrect doesn’t fail so much as it falls short when dealing with the complications of English grammar? That’s the question hiredgun ponders as he asks if others are equally as irritated by his software keyboard’s insistence on inserting “to” when he really wants to say “too,” a jumping off point for a deeper discussion involving the downfall of proper grammar and spelling in the age of the text message.

How to deal with an Android stalker


Google Now is one of the coolest and most useful features to be introduced to the Android ecosystem, but it often rides a fine line between helpful and flat-out creepy. One concerned husband recently discovered his wife’s smartphone was tracking his every move, leaving him feeling like the victim of an automated Android stalker. While we won’t be taking any guesses as to why he would rather not reveal his location to his wife (his explanation seems innocent enough, and, to be fair, Google Now began tracking him unbeknownst to his partner), that doesn’t mean we can’t offer up a bit of education on how Google Now works and the simple steps it takes to insure anonymity in his movements.

NVIDIA SHIELD Tablet takes a licking, keeps on ticking

nvidia shield tablet guts

Usually stories like these end with a cracked screen and a fuming owner, but such was not the case when xxteargodxx awoke to find his new NVIDIA Shield Tablet had tumbled from its bedside holder and landed face-down on the floor. The tablet that has received high marks for deftly combining a solid all-around Android device with a hardcore gaming portable racks up some more praise for its durability, coming away from the accident with nary a scratch. Speaking of the SHIELD, you might check out our new forum dedicated to the tablet and add your own thoughts and experiences to the discussion.

And more…

And thus brings another edition of From the Forums to a close. Don’t forget to sign up for an account over at Android Forums if you haven’t done so already. Then get to posting. Perhaps we’ll see you here in print next week.

Watch this guy tricking people into thinking Android-powered iPhone 6 knockoff is the real deal [VIDEO]

iPhone 5s vs iPhone 6

Say what you will about Apple fans, one thing I think we can all agree on is that they’re very loyal to their brand. Case in point, the folks on the streets of Hollywood, California who somehow got duped by Jonathan Morrison of Techfast Lunch & Dinner into thinking a cheap iPhone 6 knock off — running a heavily skinned version of Android — was the real deal.

Despite the phone carrying the hardware specs of a household potato, the outside body actually looks pretty damn good. Especially considering it’s just a Chinese clone. Some would make the argument that this is exactly where the real appeal of Apple products lay, as people on the street turned a blind eye to the performance of the phone which was so obviously lacking. Adding to the laughs, the host mentions the iPhone 6 knockoff carries a 26-core processor, 8K display, and other outlandish specs to which passerby’s believe it all — hook, line, and sinker.

On a more serious note, it’s interesting to see just how little “normals” actually know/care about mobile hardware, despite our current mobile landscape where manufacturers are always attempting to one up the competition with more cores, RAM, or absurdly higher MP cameras. Check out the video below to see the Android-powered iPhone 6 in action and take part in the hilarity.

Thanks, TenEightyPee!


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