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    Sed dignissim mauris nec velit ultrices id euismod orci iaculis. Aliquam ut justo id massa consectetur pellentesque pharetra ullamcorper nisl...

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Coin taking shipping info from backers next week, actual shipping dates inside Android app release on Sept 25th


Coin taking shipping info from backers next week, actual shipping dates inside Android app release on Sept 25th

Coin Coined

As one of Coins first backers, we were beginning to worry the tiny device might have been nothing more than vaporware. I mean, c’mon — the promise was huge. A tiny Bluetooth device that allows users to scan in and consolidate all their credit cards into 1 electronic card — that’s straight future sh*t right there. Like Motorola, Coin was targeting a “summer” release date but as we near the end of the season, people are looking for some kind of update on when they can expect their Coins to arrive.

Coin in real life

Today the makers of Coin are breaking their silence in an email to backers, notifying those who’ve already pre-ordered the device that next week they’ll finally be able to specify the address Coin will be shipping to in a follow up email. Only then will backers be able to download the iOS and Android apps to reveal the exact date they can expect their Coin to ship. iOS users get the jump (as usual) with the Coin app officially launching on August 28th, while Android users will have to wait almost a full month later for September 25th.

Coin mentions shipping dates are based on when you pre-ordered Coin, so those that got the early jump can expect it before everyone else. For those that have any questions about Coin, the company provided a handy FAQ which we covered in a previous post here.

Don’t forget Coin is still available for pre-order for $50 (50% off) and you can buy it from their website here.

Phan Favs: What is the best podcast app for Android? [VOTE]

PhanFavs podcast

Phan Favs is a recurring feature that turns the tables and asks you, the readers, about the best apps and games. It’s your turn to drop some knowledge on us! Read more.

It’s been a while, but we’re back with another edition of Phan Favs! This time we’re asking you, our wise readers, about podcast apps. Podcasting has really picked up in popularity over the last few years. It seems everyone and their mother has their own podcast nowadays. That’s great because it means there are tons of unique shows to listen to, including our very own Mobile Roar Podcast.

Finding a great app to listen to podcasts can be tricky. Does it have the podcasts you like? Does it have offline listening? Can your progress be synced across devices? These are just a few of the things we look for in a podcast app. But this isn’t about our favorite apps, it’s about yours! We want to know what app you trust for your podcast listening. Here’s how you can participate in our voting:

How to vote

  1. Upvote the comment that mentions your pick.

  2. If no one has mentioned your pick write your own comment.

It’s as simple as that. Next week we will compile the results and release the top five apps according to your votes. In order to get a good sample size we need your help in sharing this poll. Tweet it, post it on Facebook, share it on Google+, pin it on Pinterest, or whatever you like to do. Alert your favorite developers so they can vote! Let the voting begin! May the best podcast app win!


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