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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Wear Mini Launcher for Android Wear makes launching apps from your wrist a breeze


Wear Mini Launcher for Android Wear makes launching apps from your wrist a breeze


While Google might not have designed Android Wear to mimic your smartphone’s interface, that hasn’t stopped developers from doing what they do best and bringing an Android app launcher directly to your wrist. Wear Mini Launcher for Android Wear allows you to swipe right from the top left side of your smartwatch to display an app drawer with all of your locally installed applications. From there you can scroll up and down as you would on your smartphone or tablet, drastically reducing the amount of time to find and open an app.

The default way to launch an app with Android Wear involves using multiple touch commands or voice commands. While the voice commands are completely hands free and easy to use, it can take can take approximately 7 seconds to launch an app versus approximately 2 seconds with this new launcher. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

If you’re rockin’ the LG G Watch or Samsung Gear Live, I recommend you give Wear Mini Launcher a try. You won’t be sorry.


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