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Monday, July 14, 2014

The man responsible for building Google Glass lands new job at Amazon


The man responsible for building Google Glass lands new job at Amazon

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In a move that will no doubt spur even more discussion that Google Glass is already on its way out (before it ever really started), the man once leading the Google Glass project and credited with helping creating the wearable headset is now off to greener pastures.

Babak Parviz, who lead a few projects at Google’s X Labs division including Glass and smart contact lenses, announced via his Google+ profile that he’s off to Amazon. Parviz wasn’t quite ready to reveal exactly what he’ll be working on with Jeff Bezos and company, but in a statement given to Mashable he says, “All I can say at the moment is that I am really excited by what we might be able to accomplish at Amazon.”

Parviz specialized in optics and given Amazon’s recent push into hardware, it’s not too hard to imagine Parviz will be working on Amazon drones with barcode scanners and infrared cameras or something of that nature, but really it’s anyone’s guess. It’s far too early to say whether or not this spells trouble for the Google Glass, a project still very much in its infancy (although already being met with some resistance from privacy advocates).

Keep in mind Google already announced his replacement, with marketing guru Ivy Ross taking up Glass’ reins. As Glass nears its inevitable consumer release, Ross will no doubt make a much better fit for the product moving forward.


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